Ever have a coach say to you, “Yeah, you need better foot speed or work on your acceleration?" But don't know where to start? There are several ways that an individual can work to improve their skating speed and what better way to address this topic than to hear from RINK's own Hockey Program Coordinator, Matt Asmundson. Matt goes over some do's and don’ts as well as, tips and tricks on how to improve YOUR skating speed and get quicker feet.
Method #1 | Strength Training
Strength training is going to help YOU apply more force into the ground or ice. If you can apply more force into the ground or ice, you will move forward at a faster speed. This will help your overall agility.
Method #2 | Moving Through Space
Don't just focus on moving your feet quickly, do focus on making sure your body is moving through space quickly. Focus on sprints under 20 meters or 5-10-5 or T-Test agilility and ensure the reps are high quality and get your rest in between.
Method #3 | Mobility
Be sure to incorporate mobility just as much as strength training, cardio and more. Mobility training is speed training for hockey players, you spend a lot of time down low skating and stressing your hip flexors. We want to open up your hips, to get into deeper and more optimal positions.